Security over Goods
Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act (1879) Amendment Act, 1883
An Act to amend the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act, 1879. [26th April 1883.]
[Preamble recites 42 & 43 Vict. c. 50 ]
Short title.
42 & 43 Vict. c. 50.
1. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act (1879) Amendment Act, 1883; and this Act and the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act, 1879, may be cited together as the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Acts, 1879 and 1883.
Commencement of Act.
2. This Act shall come into operation on the first day of August one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, which date is herein-after referred to as the commencement of this Act.
Construction of Act.
42 & 43 Vict. c. 50.
3. The Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act, 1879, is herein-after referred to as “the principal Act,” and this Act shall, so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof, be construed as one with the principal Act; but unless the context otherwise requires shall not apply to any bill of sale duly registered before the commencement of this Act so long as the registration thereof is not avoided by non-renewal or otherwise.
The expression “bill of sale,” and other expressions in this Act, have the same meaning as in the principal Act, except as to bills of sale or other documents mentioned in section four of the principal Act, which may be given otherwise than by way of security for the payment of money, to which last-mentioned bills of sale and other documents this Act shall not apply.
Bill of sale to have schedule of property attached thereto.
4. Every bill of sale shall have annexed thereto or written thereon a schedule containing an inventory of the personal chattels comprised in the bill of sale; and such bill of sale, save as herein-after mentioned, shall have effect only in respect of the personal chattels specifically described in the said schedule; and shall be void, except as against the grantor, in respect of any personal chattels not so specifically described.
Bill of sale not to affect after acquired property.
5. Save as herein-after mentioned, a bill of sale shall be void, except as against the grantor, in respect of any personal chattels specifically described in the schedule thereto of which the grantor was not the true owner at the time of the execution of the bill of sale.
Exception as to certain things.
6. Nothing contained in the foregoing sections of this Act shall render a bill of sale void in respect of any of the following things; (that is to say,)
(1.) Any growing crops separately assigned or charged where such crops were actually growing at the time when the bill of sale was executed.
(2.) Any fixtures separately assigned or charged, and any plant, or trade machinery where such fixtures, plant, or trade machinery are used in, attached to, or brought upon any land, farm, factory, workshop, shop, house, warehouse, or other place in substitution for any of the like fixtures, plant, or trade machinery specifically described in the schedule to such bill of sale.
Power to seize except in certain events to be void.
7. Personal chattels assigned under a bill of sale shall not be liable to be seized or taken possession of by the grantee for any other than the following causes:
(1.) If the grantor shall make default in payment of the sum or sums of money thereby secured at the time therein provided for payment, or in the performance of any covenant or agreement contained in the bill of sale and necessary for maintaining the security;
(2.) If the grantor shall become a bankrupt, or suffer the said goods or any of them to be distrained for rent, rates, or taxes;
(3.) If the grantor shall fraudulently either remove or suffer the said goods, or any of them, to be removed from the premises;
(4.) If the grantor shall not, without reasonable excuse, upon demand in writing by the grantee, produce to him his last receipts for rent, rates, and taxes;
(5.) If execution shall have been levied against the goods of the grantor under any judgment at law:
Provided that the grantor may within five days from the seizure or taking possession of any chattels on account of any of the above-mentioned causes, apply to the High Court, or to a judge thereof in chambers, and such court or judge, if satisfied that by payment of money or otherwise the said cause of seizure no longer exists, may restrain the grantee from removing or selling the said chattels, or may make such other order as may seem just.
Bill of sale to be void unless attested and registered.
8. Every bill of sale shall be duly attested, and shall be registered under the principal Act within seven clear days after the execution thereof, or if it is executed in any place out of Ireland then within seven clear days after the time at which it would in the ordinary course of post arrive in Ireland if posted immediately after the execution thereof; and shall truly set forth the consideration for which it was given; otherwise such bill of sale shall be void in respect of the personal chattels comprised therein.
Form of bill of sale.
9. A bill of sale made or given by way of security for the payment of money by the grantor thereof shall be void unless made in accordance with the form in the schedule to this Act annexed.
10. The execution of every bill of sale by the grantor shall be attested by one or more credible witness or witnesses, not being a party or parties thereto. . . .
Local registration of contents of bills of sale.
11. Where the affidavit (which under section ten of the principal Act is required to accompany a bill of sale when presented for registration) describes the residence of the person making or giving the same or of the person against whom the process is issued as being situated elsewhere than within the county of the city of Dublin or the county of Dublin, or where the bill of sale describes the chattels enumerated therein as being in some place or places outside the said county of the city of Dublin or the county of Dublin, the registrar under the principal Act shall forthwith and within three clear days after registration in the principal registry, and in accordance with the prescribed directions, transmit an abstract in the prescribed form of the contents of such bill of sale to the clerk of the peace in whose district such place or places is or are situate, and if such places are in the districts of different clerks of the peace, then to each such clerk of the peace.
Every abstract so transmitted shall be filed, kept, and indexed by the clerk of the peace in the prescribed manner, and any person may search, inspect, make extracts from, and obtain copies of the abstract so registered in the like manner and upon the like terms as to payment or otherwise as near as may be as in the case of bills of sale registered by the registrar under the principal Act.
Bill of sale under 30l. to be void.
12. Every bill of sale made or given in consideration of any sum under thirty pounds shall be void.
Chattels not to be removed or sold until five days after seizure.
13. All personal chattels seized or of which possession is taken under or by virtue of any bill of sale (whether registered before or after the commencement of this Act), shall remain on the premises where they were so seized or so taken possession of, and shall not be removed or sold until after the expiration of five clear days from the day they were so seized or so taken possession of.
Bill of sale not to protect chattels against poor and other rates.
14. A bill of sale to which this Act applies shall be no protection in respect of personal chattels included in such bill of sale which but for such bill of sale would have been liable to distress under a judgment, decree, or warrant for the recovery of taxes, poor rates, county cess, or other rates.
15. . . . all . . . enactments contained in the principal Act which are inconsistent with this Act are repealed. . . .
Inspection of registered bills of sale.
16. . . . any person shall be entitled at all reasonable times to search the register, on payment of a fee of one shilling, or such other fee as may be prescribed, and subject to such regulations as may be prescribed, and shall be entitled at all reasonable times to inspect, examine, and make extracts from any and every registered bill of sale without being required to make a written application, or to specify any particulars in reference thereto, upon payment of one shilling for each bill of sale inspected, and such payment shall be made by a judicature stamp: Provided that the said extracts shall be limited to the dates of execution, registration, renewal of registration, and satisfaction, to the names, addresses, and occupations of the parties, to the amount of the consideration, and to any further prescribed particulars.
Debentures to which Act not to apply.
17. Nothing in this Act shall apply to any debentures issued by any mortgage, loan, or other incorporated company, and secured upon the capital stock or goods, chattels, and effects of such company.
18. This Act shall not extend to England or to Scotland.
Form of Bill of Sale.
Sect. 9 .
This Indenture made the day of , between A.B. of of the one part, and C.D. of of the other part, witnesseth that in consideration of the sum of £ now paid to A.B. by C.D., the receipt of which the said A.B. hereby acknowledges [or whatever else the consideration may be], he the said A.B. doth hereby assign unto C.D., his executors, administrators, and assigns, all and singular the several chattels and things specifically described in the schedule hereto annexed by way of security for the payment of the sum of £ , and interest thereon at the rate of per cent. per annum [or whatever else may be the rate]. And the said A.B. doth agree and declare that he will duly pay to the said C.D. the principal sum aforesaid, together with the interest then due, by equal payments of £ on the day of [or whatever else may be the stipulated times or time of payment]. And the said A.B. doth also agree with the said C.D. that he will [here insert terms as to insurance, payment of rent, or otherwise, which the parties may agree to for the maintenance or defeasance of the security].
Provided always, that the chattels hereby assigned shall not be liable to seizure or to be taken possession of by the said C.D. for any cause other than those specified in section seven of the Bills of Sale (Ireland) Act (1879) Amendment Act, 1883.
In witness, &c.
Signed and sealed by the said A.B. in the presence of me E.F. [add witness’ name, address, and description.]